GPRTU is the Backbone of Road Transportation in Ghana, Says John Mahama

Picture of John Mahama and GPRTU

John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), as part of his engagement with various stakeholders, met with the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) to hear their concerns and ideas. This meeting was a significant part of Mahama’s broader initiative to connect with key players in the transportation sector and to understand the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

During their meeting, Mr. Mahama emphasized that the GPRTU is the backbone of road transportation in Ghana. He acknowledged the crucial role the union plays in the country’s transport infrastructure and expressed his commitment to addressing their concerns. “It is important for me to hear your concerns and ideas,” Mahama stated.

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Mr. John Mahama outlined his vision for the future of Ghana’s transport sector, highlighting plans that are already underway to modernize transport terminals and lorry parks. He proposed that the GPRTU could partner with Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) or private investors to build and maintain these facilities. This partnership, he suggested, would improve the infrastructure and ensure a sustainable revenue mobilization for the sector.

Mahama elaborated on the potential benefits of such collaborations, noting that improved transport terminals would enhance the overall efficiency and safety of road transportation. This, in turn, would lead to better services for passengers and more secure working conditions for drivers. He stressed that modern facilities are essential for accommodating the growing number of vehicles and passengers and for reducing congestion and delays.

Picture of GPRTU and John Mahama

“I eagerly anticipate our continued work together to enhance the welfare and conditions of our drivers,” Mahama stated. He expressed optimism about the future of Ghana’s transport industry, indicating that with the right strategies and partnerships, significant improvements could be achieved.

He highlighted the need for a collective effort to address the issues faced by drivers and transport operators, including the modernization of infrastructure, the enhancement of safety standards, and the provision of better working conditions.

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