Sunyani Model STEM JHS Completed: Get the Latest Updates

Picture of Sunyani STEM JHS

Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the Minister of Education in Ghana, along with his team, embarked on a visit to the newly completed Sunyani Model STEM Junior High School (JHS). Dr. Adutwum stressed that witnessing firsthand the progress of such a significant project was truly wonderful and inspiring.

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During the visit, Dr. Adutwum highlighted that the architectural design of the Sunyani Model STEM JHS takes the design of that of the Juaben Model STEM JHS, another notable institution. This architectural consistency suggests a deliberate effort to establish a standardized infrastructure across these model STEM schools.

Picture of Sunyani STEM JHS entrance

One of the key aspects emphasized by Dr. Adutwum is the provision of state-of-the-art facilities within the Sunyani Model STEM JHS. These facilities include well-equipped laboratories for biology, physics, chemistry, and computer science. By investing in such advanced facilities, the aim is to ensure a holistic and enriching learning experience for the students. Access to modern laboratory equipment and technology is essential for fostering practical skills and scientific inquiry among students.

Picture of Sunyani STEM JHS inside

Dr. Yaw Adutwum underscored the pivotal role of the STEM JHS in preparing junior high school pupils for higher education and future careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). In today’s rapidly evolving world, proficiency in STEM subjects is increasingly vital for success in various academic and professional pursuits. Therefore, the establishment of specialized STEM institutions like the Sunyani Model STEM JHS is a strategic initiative to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the 21st century.

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