Ghana’s Electronic Waste Handover Centre is a cutting-edge facility for the country’s e-waste management. The Centre, located in Accra, will serve as a storage point for electronic waste products, facilitating their recycling in line with global best practices.
The project is initiated by the Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI) in partnership with the German government, aims to address the environmental and health risks associated with e-waste.
Key Objectives:
- Safe Collection: The center has already collected over 476.88 tons of e-waste cables, 37.03 tons of mixed batteries, 31.83 tons of thermoplastics, and 87 Cathode Ray Televisions (CRTs).
- Job Creation: The project has created over 450 green jobs and trained more than 200 scrap dealers in the safe handling of e-waste.
- Environmental Protection: The center will help reduce the risks associated with e-waste and increase value recovery.

Background: In 2016, the government passed Act 917 to address e-waste management following reports of crude methods used to extract valuable metals from e-waste materials at Agbogbloshie. The project partners have allocated €20 million for the initiative, which includes three components: the Supply Side, the Handover Centre, and the Demand Side.
This initiative demonstrates Ghana’s commitment to environmental sustainability and public health. The government stressed that proper management of electronic waste has the potential of mitigating the risks associated with e-waste while creating economic opportunities.
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