What name is given to a child attending kindergarten? What is the right age for kindergarten in Ghana? Did you know that KG classrooms have special areas within the classroom for learning specific things? Find out all the answers to these questions in this post.
promotion exams
Quizathon: Educational Leadership & Management
global quiz on educational leadership and management.
Ghana’s Education Uncovered: Ministry & GES Quiz Expedition
a quiz that challenge all and sundry on Ghana’s ministry of education and Ghana education service. try it now
The Educator’s Challenge: Test Your Expertise with a Ministry of Education and GES Quiz
quiz for educator’s and teachers accross the globe
Beyond Borders: Ghana’s Ministry of Education Redefining Learning, Growth, and Impact
ministry of education in ghana redefining education to meet the global standard, the call for all stakeholders.
Echoes of Innovation: Inside Ghana’s Ministry of Education through Captivating Audio Insights
powerful audio discussing on the ministry of education in ghana
Crack the Code: Solved Educational Reforms Quiz Questions for Exam Excellence
solved past questions on educational reforms for all teachers and educational policy makers
Empowering Minds: Educational Reforms in Ghana – The Impact of Review Committees
By the end of this section, we would consider the following; Kindly down and listen to the summarized audios on…
Sounds of Change: Ghana’s Educational Reforms Summarized
Since 1951, there have been series of Reforms in Ghana’s educational System. In this post, we unravel the transformative journey…
At Last, We Know Who Brought Education to Ghana
audios included Learning Objectives: I will be trying very well to guide you through: History Of Education In Ghana It…
The Concept of Education
What is education? What are the modes of education? What are the types of education? How many forms of education do we have? How many types of Education do we have? What are the importance of education?
Test Your Knowledge: Education In Ghana
Quick Recap In our last two lessons, we delved into the world of digital assessment, exploring the benefits of using…