Two young Ghanaians have invented an automated excavator and a water pollutant collector

Picture of Two Young Ghanaians Inventors

On October 1, 2024, Ghana’s Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, celebrated two young Ghanaians for their remarkable innovations that tackle real-world challenges.

In a statement on his official Facebook account, Dr. Adutwum expressed his admiration for these budding talents, whose ingenuity and determination left him deeply impressed.

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The first innovator, as revealed by Dr. Adutwum was a Primary 5 student from Sakyi Agyakwa, Nsawam, invented a fully automated excavator powered by a hydraulic system, all crafted in Ghana. The Minister shared that this talented boy’s invention came to his attention through social media, which piqued his interest and made him eager to meet the young prodigy.

Dr. Adutwum took the opportunity to commend the boy’s mother, who was present during the event, for her unwavering support of her son’s journey. He emphasized that parents play a crucial role in nurturing the innovative potential of their children and urged them to cultivate this spirit in their households.

The second innovator, a student from the Accra Technical Training Centre (ATTC), equally captivated Dr. Adutwum with his creation of a water pollutant collector. His invention, designed to help clean Ghana’s water bodies, was lauded by the Minister as timely and essential for the country’s environmental sustainability. Dr. Adutwum noted that such innovations align with the nation’s urgent need to protect and preserve its natural resources.

The Minister highlighted that with the country’s growing focus on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, Ghana is equipping students with practical skills that address pressing global issues. He affirmed that the government remains committed to supporting and developing these hands-on skills among the youth.

Dr. Adutwum announced the recent approval of the Gifted and Talented Programme by the Cabinet, which aims to ensure that young talents like these two innovators receive the necessary resources and support to advance their education.

The Minister concluded by expressing optimism about Ghana’s future, stressing that it is in the hands of the current generation to nurture the geniuses of tomorrow.

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