Our World is Built on Three Types of Love: Evangelist Obed Asamoah

Picture of Evangelist Obed Asamoah

Evangelist Obed Asamoah is a respected and revered minister of God in the Bodomase Circuit of the Methodist Church Ghana. Evangelist Asamoah is known for his dedication to spreading the Gospel, he has traveled far and wide, tirelessly sharing the Word of God and impacting lives wherever he goes.

Evangelist Asamoah’s teachings at the week-long Revival Program which is ongoing at Kumawu Emmanuel Methodist Church was deeply rooted in scripture, drawing from verses like John 3:16, that emphasizes God’s immeasurable love for humanity, and Deuteronomy 23:5, highlighting God’s protection and care for His people.

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One of the central themes in Evangelist Obed Asamoah’s ministry is the concept of love, which he describes as being tripartite – existing in three distinct forms since the creation of the world. According to him, understanding and practicing these three types of love is essential to living a fulfilled Christian life.

Let’s dive into the three types of love outlined by Evangelist Obed Asamoah:

The Love God Shows to Man

The first type of love is the unconditional love that God has for humanity. This love is eternal and unfailing, as seen in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Evangelist Obed emphasizes that God’s love comes with power and authority, providing protection, guidance, and salvation. It is a love that never fades, remaining constant even in the face of human weakness and failure. God’s love is the foundation of all love, and it serves as an example for how we are to love others.

The Love Man Has for God

The second form of love is the love that man is called to have for God. Evangelist Obed explains that, in response to God’s overwhelming love, humanity is destined to love God in return, primarily through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. This reciprocal love is an acknowledgment of God’s grace and mercy. However, Evangelist Obed cautions that, because humans are fallible, this love can sometimes waver. It is only through constant spiritual growth and devotion to God’s Word that a person can strengthen and maintain their love for God.

The Love Man Has for Fellow Man

The third type of love is the love that man is instructed to show toward others. This love is crucial, as it reflects the commandment Jesus gave in Matthew 22:39: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Evangelist Obed stresses that human love can fade because of human limitations and imperfections. However, he reminds us that God charges everyone to love their neighbors, regardless of the challenges they may face in relation with others.

Evangelist Obed revealed that it takes the Word of God to empower a person to love both God and their fellow man genuinely. He referenced Psalm 80:3, 7, 18, and 19, which repeatedly ask for God’s strength and restoration, implying that divine intervention is necessary to keep love alive in our hearts.

While human love may falter, it is through the power of God’s Word that we can be empowered to love faithfully and wholeheartedly, stated Evangelist Obed Asamoah

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