Laryea Kingston Surprisingly Resigns as Head Coach of Ghanaian National U-17 Team

picture of Coach Laryea Kingston

Laryea Kingston, the head coach for the Black Starlets of Ghana (National U-17 Team), has surprisingly resigned from his position. This sudden decision came after 2-1 defeat of Black Starlets against Burkina Faso in the WAFU Zone B U-17 qualifier semifinal match on May 25, 2024.

Reports gathered suggest that Coach Laryea Kingston got off the team bus while it was on its way to the team hotel. He used harsh and inappropriate language while announcing to the players and the coaching staff that he was resigning. Kingston also failed to attend the team’s evening meeting with the Management Committee and has since not reported back to the team hotel.

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For the past few months, Laryea Kingston had been performing very well with the Ghanaian National U-17 Team in the West African Football Union (WAFU) U-17 qualifying games. Under his leadership, the team showed significant improvements in their play and results. His sudden departure has left many in the football community shocked and concerned about the future of the team.

Kingston’s decision to resign is particularly surprising given the team’s recent performance. The Black Starlets had made it to the semifinal of the WAFU Zone B U-17 qualifiers, demonstrating a strong showing throughout the tournament. Kingston’s coaching style and strategies were widely praised, and his ability to motivate and develop young talent was evident in the team’s success.

The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has yet to issue an official statement regarding Kingston’s resignation. However, it is expected that they will address the situation and provide clarity on the future of the coaching position for the U-17 team. The GFA will need to act swiftly to ensure that the team’s preparation for upcoming matches are not disrupted.

Kingston’s resignation has also sparked discussions among football analysts and fans about the challenges faced by national team coaches. Coaching a national team, especially at the youth level, comes with unique pressures and expectations. Balancing the development of young players with the demands of achieving competitive results can be challenging

As the Ghana Football Association addresses this situation, the focus will be on maintaining the momentum built under Kingston’s leadership and ensuring a smooth transition for the team’s future endeavors.

GH Educate will follow up on this matter and provide updates on any developments.

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