Exciting Job Opportunity: Apply Now for Health Financing Coordinator!

Picture on MSI Job Opportunity

MSI Reproductive Choices Ghana is an affiliate of MSI Reproductive Choices and one of the largest specialized sexual and reproductive health organizations in Ghana.

MSI Reproductive Choices Ghana is currently looking for an energetic and productive individual to fill the position of Health Financing Coordinator.

Job Description

Picture on MSI Job Description

Educational Requirement, Skills and Experience

Picture on MSI job requirements

Key Reponsibilities

Picture on MSI Job Key Resopnsibilities

Contract Agreement: Permanent

Job Location: Accra

Deadline for Application: Applicants are required to submit their applications on or before 15th March 2025.

Interested applicants are encourage to apply swiftly.

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Meet Sir Joe: Educator, Writer, & Webmaster. Crafting engaging content, he shares informative articles across platforms. As a skilled webmaster, he navigates online spaces, staying attuned to global trends. Join Sir Joe in making information accessible in education and the digital realm.

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