Rev. Bessie Adjo Amentor, a revered pastor in the Consuming Fire Church International, Ghana, stands out as a beacon of faith among the committed and devout Christians in the region. Rev. Bessie is known for her profound insights and inspiring messages. Rev. Bessie has touched countless lives with her teachings. Today, she shares her wisdom on a topic that lies at the heart of Christian faith: what redemption means and how one can be redeemed.
Let’s dive into her enlightening perspective and discover the transformative power of redemption.
Many Christians cherish the story of how they came to faith in Jesus Christ. They enjoy sharing how the burdens of their sins were lifted by God’s love. In Christian culture, certain words carry significant weight, and one such word is “redeemed.” When someone experiences the joy of salvation, part of that elation comes from realizing that the price for their sins has been paid by another, freeing them from sin and shame. This freedom allows Christians to have a relationship with their Creator and Savior.
Jesus redeemed people from the punishment of their sins so they could have an eternal relationship with Him, serve Him in this life, and be free from the temptations of the world.

What Does Redemption Mean?
To redeem something means to clear or take it back. In the secular world, people redeem coupons, rebates, and promises. Unlike a normal transaction, redemption implies that something was owed beforehand. Merriam-Webster defines “redeem” as “to buy or pay off; clear by payment; to buy back, as after a tax sale or a mortgage foreclosure; to recover by payment or other satisfaction; to exchange (bonds, trading stamps, etc.) for money or goods; to discharge or fulfill.” These definitions imply a debt and an equivalent value that needs to be paid.
The secular definition provides a good groundwork for understanding its use in the Bible. The Bible describes humanity’s relationship with God in terms that imply something being owed. After God established the Law of Moses, sins and transgressions against the law had to be atoned for through sacrifice. Once a sin was realized, the transgressor had to bring a sin offering to the temple. “In this way the priest will make atonement for them for the sin they have committed, and they will be forgiven” (Leviticus 4:35b).
Without the sacrifice, there is a debt in the individual’s ledger against the Lord that must be dealt with. The writer of the Book of Hebrews confirms this cost, writing, “Indeed under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (Hebrews 9:22). Because everyone sins, everyone has debts to be paid, which ultimately are paid through death. During the time of sacrifice, it was frequent, expensive, and no one could truly pay in full for their sins, because they would just sin again. Biblical redemption is the solution to the problem of the cost of sin.
What Are We Redeemed From and For?
After centuries of sacrifice and atonement, the Law had been the only way for people to address their debts to God, but it was also a barrier between God and His people. The Holy Spirit did not dwell with individuals or groups but would sometimes settle on a person. This separation was symbolized by a thick curtain in the Temple in Jerusalem between the Holy of Holies, where God’s spirit would settle once a year, and the rest of the temple.
God sent Jesus, His Son, to earth to live a righteous life and complete a plan to fully redeem the world. Centuries before the birth of the Messiah, the plan to redeem people forever was in place: “But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Because Jesus did not sin, He did not have to die as a consequence of sinful behavior. He chose to die. When Jesus shed His blood, that sacrifice paid the price for the sins of all mankind.
By paying the blood price for man’s sin, Jesus made direct access to God possible. The curtain in the Temple was torn as the physical manifestation of this new relationship. If someone wanted to repent of their sins and have a relationship with God, they could because their sins no longer stood between them and their Creator. Being able to go to the Lord freely and without the barrier of an unrepentant heart is a large part of what it means to be saved and be a believer.
God did not free people from sin so they could continue their lives unchanged. Humanity was freed to have a relationship with Him. Part of why Jesus came was so His disciples could share this news with others, turn to Him, and do good works to show the love of God to the world. “Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14).
In today’s society, the concept of paying it forward means if someone does something good for you, repay them by doing something good for someone else. Jesus redeemed us so we could live with Him, for Him, and for others by sharing the Gospel and spreading His love to all the nations.
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Thank you for this insightful piece and exposure