Mastercard Foundation in Collaboration with Ghana Enterprises Agency Presents Sensitization Workshop on BizBox Project

photo of mastercard foundation and ghana enterprise agency

The Mastercard Foundation, in collaboration with the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), organized an event on Friday, 8th March, 2024, in the Western Region’s Prestea Huni Valley Municipality. This sensitization workshop was held at Bogoso and centered around the Business in a Box (BizBox) Project. The BizBox Project is a joint endeavor by the Mastercard Foundation and the GEA, aimed at fostering job creation and facilitating business development services. Notably, the project places special emphasis on providing opportunities in apprenticeship, agriculture, and agribusiness training, as well as entrepreneurship, start-up support, and access to markets for youth aged 15 to 35 years, females, and persons with disabilities.

Presentation by the Facilitators at the Workshop

During the workshop, the facilitotors explained the significance of the BizBox Project and expounded on its potential to positively impact the residents of Bogoso and Ghana as a whole, with a particular focus on the youth demographic. The facilitors, in their address, highlighted the transformative potential of the initiative and urged both the attendees of the sensitization workshop and the wider public to seize the opportunity presented by the BizBox Project.

Furthermore, the facilitors emphasized the accessibility of assistance through the GEA, encouraging individuals to either visit the GEA website or avail themselves of the services provided by the nearest Business Advisory Centre (BAC) across all Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies. These centers serve as hubs for support and guidance, catering to the diverse needs of aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners.

In essence, the collaboration between the Mastercard Foundation and the GEA represents a concerted effort to foster sustainable economic development and empower marginalized groups within the Ghanaian society. By equipping individuals with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources, the BizBox Project aims to unlock their entrepreneurial potential and incite meaningful change at both the local and national levels.

The workshop served as a platform for dissemination and dialogue, fostering a shared understanding of the project’s objectives and pathways to participation. Through interactive sessions and informative presentations, attendees gained insights into the various components of the BizBox Project and explored avenues for engagement.

Moreover, the workshop provided a forum for networking and collaboration, enabling participants to connect with like-minded individuals, potential mentors, and business advisors. This networking aspect is crucial for providing a supportive ecosystem wherein aspiring entrepreneurs can access mentorship, guidance, and collaboration opportunities essential for their growth and success.

As Ghana continues on its developmental agenda, initiatives such as the BizBox Project play a pivotal role in unlocking the country’s economic potential and inclusive growth. By prioritizing youth, women, and persons with disabilities, the project contributes to building a more equitable and resilient society.

Message from Dr. Isaac Dasmani (MCE) to the Mastercard Foundation and GEA

The Municipal Chief Executive, Dr. Isaac Dasmani of Prestea Huni Valley Municipality, thanked the facilitators of the Mastercard Foundation and Ghana Enterprises Agency for such a project to help the people of his Municipality and Ghana as a whole. He encouraged the people, especially the youth, to take advantage of what has been presented to them.

How to Access the BizBox Project?

Kindly visit the GEA website or the nearest Business Advisory Centre (BAC) in all Metropolitan/Municipal and District Assemblies for assistance. Alternatively, click on the link below to access the GEA website and apply.

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