Kumawu MP and DCE Visit Schools in their Constituency During 2024 BECE Mock Examination

Picture of Hon. Ernest Yaw Anim and Hon. Samuel Addae Agyekum

Hon. Ernest Yaw Anim, the Member of Parliament for Kumawu Constituency, and Hon. Samuel Addae Agyekum, the District Chief Executive for Kumawu District, visited schools in the five circuits of the Sekyere Kumawu District Education Directorate. The purpose of their visit was to oversee the MP’s sponsored mock examination for the 2024 BECE candidates.

Accompanying them was Mr. Kwame Oduro-Owusu, the District Director of Education in Sekyere Kumawu, along with his team. This visit was part of a significant monitoring effort aimed at assessing the progress of the mock examinations and offering encouragement to the students.

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The mock examination, sponsored by Hon. Anim, is designed to prepare students for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) scheduled to take place from Monday, July 8, 2024, to Monday, July 15, 2024. The initiative highlights the importance of academic readiness and aims to boost the confidence and performance of the students.

Picture of students in Kumawu District

During their visit, Hon. Anim and Hon. Addae Agyekum conveyed a clear and motivating message. They emphasized the importance of the mock examination as a preparatory tool for the upcoming BECE. They interacted with the students, providing words of encouragement and stressing the significance of diligence and hard work in their studies.

Hon. Anim expressed his optimism about the impact of their visit on the students’ performance. He stated, “Our visit is certainly going to have a positive impact on the overall performance of the 2024 BECE candidates in my constituency. This initiative is part of our broader strategy to enhance educational outcomes in Kumawu.”

Picture of Hon. Ernest Anim at motivating students during his visit one of schools
Hon. Ernest Anim at motivating students during his visit one of schools

The visit included stops at several schools within the five circuits, where the officials observed the examination process and spoke with both students and teachers. They assessed the examination conditions, ensuring that everything was in place for a smooth and effective mock examination experience. The feedback from this monitoring will be used to make any necessary adjustments before the actual BECE in July.

The MP and DCE’s commitment to education in the Sekyere Kumawu District is evident in their active involvement and support for initiatives like the mock examination. This support is crucial in fostering a conducive learning environment and ensuring that students are well-prepared for national examinations.

The visit by Hon. Ernest Yaw Anim and Hon. Samuel Addae Agyekum, supported by Mr. Kwame Oduro-Owusu and his team, was a significant step towards ensuring the readiness of BECE candidates in the Sekyere Kumawu District. Their encouragement and monitoring efforts are expected to positively influence the students’ performance in the upcoming BECE.

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