John Mahama’s Powerful Sermon at Ringway Assemblies of God Church

Picture of John Mahama

John Dramani Mahama, the leader and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), was honored to deliver a powerful sermon at the Ringway Assemblies of God Church. His sermon was not just about Men’s Ministry Day but also about Father’s Day.

Mr. Mahama spoke on Jesus’s parables and how they continue to teach us valuable lessons today. He reflected on the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which teaches us about God the Father’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Mr. Mahama also delved into the Parable of the Good Samaritan, which challenges us to show love and compassion to our neighbors, regardless of their background or circumstances. He referred to the Parable of the Lost Sheep, reminding us of the value that God places on every one of us.

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In his message, Mr. Mahama emphasized that as fathers, husbands, and men of God, we must reflect on these powerful parables and strive to live out their lessons daily. He highlighted the importance of love, forgiveness, compassion, and recognizing the value of every individual. Just as the father in the Parable of the Prodigal Son eagerly welcomed back his wayward son, our Heavenly Father waits for us to return to Him, Mahama stressed.

Throughout his sermon, Mr. Mahama encouraged the congregation to build their lives on the foundation of God’s word and to embody the powerful lessons found in Jesus’ parables. He spoke with conviction about the transformative power of these stories, urging the church members to let these teachings guide their actions and relationships.

Picture of John Mahama at Ringway Assemblies of God

Mr. Mahama indicated that delivering the sermon was a meaningful and profound experience for him. He expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to share these teachings with the church and highlighted the significance of coming together as a community to reflect on such important lessons. He acknowledged the warm reception he received and the strong sense of fellowship within the congregation.

As he concluded his sermon, Mr. Mahama asked for the blessings of Almighty God upon all the members of the church. He wished them a Happy Father’s Day, extending his heartfelt prayers and good wishes to all fathers, husbands, and men present.

John Dramani Mahama’s sermon at the Ringway Assemblies of God Church was a powerful blend of biblical teachings and personal reflections. The sermon was well-received, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended and reinforcing the core message of the enduring power of God’s love and guidance.

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