GETFund Scholarship Portal is Closed: Stay Alert for Future Opportunities

photo of GETFund scholarship opportunities

The Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) has officially notified the general public that the GETFund Scholarship Portal closed on 31st January 2024 for 2023/2024 academic year. GETFund offers scholarships to Ghanaian citizens for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Ghana. It is important to note that the portal opens every year to provide opportunities for Ghanaian students in their undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

To apply this scholarship, you will need to complete the application form through the GETFund Scholarship Portal and provide scanned copies of the following documents:

  • Proof of nationality (copy of passport bio-data page or national ID card)
  • Admission letter clearly stating the program duration
  • Approved fee schedule for the 2023/24 academic year (if not stated in the letter of admission)
  • 1st degree certificate (masters and PhD applicants)
  • Other degree certificate (PhD applicants only)
  • Previous transcript (masters and PhD applicants only)
  • National service certificate where applicable (masters and PhD applicants only)
  • Curriculum vitae (masters and PhD applicants only)

The GETFund Scholarship Portal was opened on Wednesday, 20th December 2023. Many Ghanaian students took advantage of this opportunity by applying via the portal. After the closure, the management of the GETFund Scholarship has outlined measures that should be followed by all students who applied for the scholarship.


Communication Channel

In response to the submitted applications, the management of GETFund has assured students that all updates and communications regarding the application process will be conveyed through the email addresses and phone numbers provided in the application form.

Stay Connected

Students were advised to use active email addresses and phone numbers during the application process. The management of GETFund is advising students who have submitted applications to consistently monitor their chances of success. The management is reviewing every application submitted and will connect with all students in due time.

Expect Notification

Look out for notifications in your email inbox and messages on the phone number provided for important updates on your application status. The management of GETFund is once again admonishing all students who applied for the scholarship to consistently check their inboxes and refresh them as often as possible to ensure they don’t miss any essential updates on their applications. All students are expected to receive notifications, whether successful or unsuccessful.

Patience is Required

As management reviews the submitted applications, patience on the part of all those who applied is highly required. All students should stay positive and hope for a better chance in their applications.

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Meet SirJoe: Educator, Writer, & Webmaster. Crafting engaging content, he shares informative articles across platforms. As a skilled webmaster, he navigates online spaces, staying attuned to global trends. Join SirJoe in making information accessible in education and the digital realm.

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