Beatrice Opoku Henewaa: Winner of the Otumfuo Community Reading Challenge in Sekyere Kumawu District

picture of Beatrice Opoku Henewaa

Beatrice Opoku Henewaa has made history as the first-ever winner of the Otumfuo Community Reading Challenge (OCRC) held in the Sekyere Kumawu District. Her remarkable victory in this maiden event has brought her personal recognition to her school, Besoro D/A ‘1’ Junior High School (JHS), within the Kumawu District Education Directorate.

The competition was intense, with Beatrice emerging victorious among 37 contestants to secure her place in the knockout stage of OCRC 2024. Her journey to the top was nothing short of inspirational, and the atmosphere during her triumph was filled with what could best be described as ‘tears of joy.’ This emotional moment was a testament to the hard work and determination that Beatrice exhibited throughout the competition.

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Information gathered suggested that Beatrice’s determination to win was evident from the very beginning. Her drive and focus were palpable, making her a standout participant from the start of the event. Her dedication to reading and learning set her apart and ultimately led her to clinch the coveted title.

Beatrice Opoku Henewaa is a form three student at Besoro D/A ‘1’ JHS, a school that can now boast of having nurtured a champion. The recognition that comes with Beatrice’s victory is significant for the school, highlighting its commitment to academic excellence and a love for reading among its students.

picture of picture of Beatrice Opoku Henewaa receiving award

In addition to the prestige of winning the competition, Beatrice was awarded the GHC 500 Tredehene Special Award Package. This monetary reward is a substantial recognition of her efforts as the winner of the compettion. She also received the Konahene Special Award, another accolade that underscores her exceptional performance.

The rewards did not end with Beatrice alone. Her school, Besoro D/A ‘1’ JHS, also benefited from her success, receiving a GHC 500 award. This financial boost is expected to enhance the school’s resources and further encourage other students to engage in similar academic competitions. The school community is thrilled and proud of Beatrice’s achievement, and this victory serves as a beacon of what dedication and hard work can achieve.

The Otumfuo Community Reading Challenge is more than just a competition; it is an initiative aimed at promoting literacy and a culture of reading among students in the Ashanti Region. Beatrice’s success story is a shining example of the positive impact such initiatives can have on students.

As the winner of the OCRC in Sekyere Kumawu District, Beatrice Opoku Henewaa now prepares for the next stage of the competition. The knockout stage of OCRC 2024 promises to be even more challenging, but with her proven determination and love for reading, Beatrice is well-equipped to face the upcoming hurdles. Her community, school, and family are all standing behind her as she moves forward in the competition.

GH Educate congratulates Beatrice Opoku Henewaa and wishes her well in the next stage of the competition.

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