CAF Orders Kwesi Appiah to Step Down in One of His Roles

Picture of Coach Kwesi Appiah

Confederation of African Football (CAF) has officially issued a letter ordering James Kwesi Appiah, the Head Coach of the Sudan National Team, to step down from one of his roles.

The letter contains the following details:

 “Conflict of Interest regarding your dual roles as Ghana Football Association Executive Council Member and Head Coach of the Sudan National Team

Dear Sir,

It has come to our attention that you are currently holding two significant positions:

  1. Member of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Executive Council
  2. Head Coach of Sudan’s national football team

As you are already aware, Ghana and Sudan are in the same pool for the upcoming AFCON qualifiers (the “Competition”). The two teams are set to face each other on October 11 and 14, 2024, and your dual roles create an apparent conflict of interest.

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This situation is contrary to the CAF Statutes and the FIFA Code of Ethics.

For that reason, and to preserve the integrity of the AFCON qualifiers, I urge you to take immediate action to resolve this conflict of interest, including, at a minimum, temporarily stepping down from one of the two roles until the conclusion of the Competition.

I kindly request that you provide CAF with written confirmation and proof that you have taken the necessary steps to remedy the situation on or before Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Failure to do so will result in this matter being referred to the CAF Disciplinary Board.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this important matter.”

As a matter of urgency and swift response, the letter was also copied to the Ghana Football Association and the Sudan Football Association.

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