Ghanaian Passport Application Fees Increase by 400% – Get the Details Here

picture of passport of Ghana

The recent surge in passport application fees in Ghana, marking an unprecedented 400% increase, has stirred significant discourse and debate across the nation. This substantial rise, which came into effect on Monday, April 1st, 2024, has left many citizens grappling with its implications and repercussions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for overseeing passport issuance, orchestrated this fee adjustment, catapulting the cost of acquiring a passport from GH¢100 to ¢500 for the standard 32-page booklet and ¢644 for the 48-page variant under the standard service. Those seeking expedited service are required to fork out even larger sums, with charges amounting to ¢700 for a 32-page booklet and ¢800 for a 48-page booklet.

Speaking on behalf of the ministry, the Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized the necessity for Ghanaians to bear more realistic prices for passport acquisition, especially considering the impending fiscal year. This decision wasn’t made hastily; rather, it stemmed from a proposal presented by Minister Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey to the Parliament’s Committee on Subsidiary Legislation last December. The proposal aimed to reassess the fees to mitigate the substantial losses incurred by the ministry in the printing of passport booklets.

Minister Botchwey elaborated on the financial intricacies underlying the passport issuance process, revealing that while applicants pay a nominal fee of GH¢100, the actual production cost per passport booklet amounts to a staggering GH¢400. Consequently, with each passport issued, the government faces a deficit of GH¢300, rendering the current fee structure unsustainable.

This fee hike didn’t materialize in isolation but followed due legislative procedures. Insights from the Parliament’s Subsidiary Legislation Committee elucidate that the increase was a result of meticulous committee work on the Regulation when it was initially tabled. As a regulation, rather than a bill, it automatically became law after a 21-day period without any objections raised.

The disparity in passport fees across the West African sub-region has further intensified discussions surrounding Ghana’s fee adjustment. According to the Committee on Foreign Affairs report on the 2024 budget estimates Ghana’s passport fees at $7.7 as compared to other countries like Cameroon charging $180, Guinea $57, Guinea-Bissau $65, Burkina Faso $80, and Nigeria $54.29 for similar passport services.

Minister Botchwey lamented this discrepancy, highlighting the substantial deficit Ghana faces in passport applications vis-à-vis its neighboring countries. The juxtaposition of fees underscores the urgent need for Ghana to realign its passport fees with prevailing economic realities and regional standards.

Despite the justifications provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the exponential increase in passport application fees has sparked widespread discontent among Ghanaians. Many citizens, already grappling with economic hardships, perceive this adjustment as an additional burden, further straining their financial capacities.

Again, concerns have been raised regarding the potential effects of these exorbitant fees on mobility and accessibility, particularly for marginalized communities and low-income earners. As passports constitute essential travel documents facilitating cross-border movements, any impediment to their accessibility risks exacerbating existing socio-economic disparities.

In light of these considerations, it is imperative for the government to engage in transparent dialogue with citizens, addressing their concerns and exploring alternative measures to ensure the sustainability of passport issuance while safeguarding the interests of all citizens. Only through inclusive and participatory decision-making processes can a fair and equitable resolution be reached, balancing the imperative of fiscal prudence with the imperative of ensuring accessibility and affordability for all.

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